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January News

Now the ‘Happy New Year!’s have calmed down, and at least a couple of people around you have given up on their new year’s resolutions already, it is time to get back to the daily rhythm of life in January.

January may just be another month, but it does give us a fresh new diary with blank pages to fill, and we have some exciting new things to share for Madame Papillon this month.


Our first cycle of workshops at the Maison des Femmes in Schaerbeek were so well received we didn’t hesitate to start planning the second cycle. Things will kick off with Madame Papillon members Catherine and Johana on 19th January with a focus on emotions.

Following the feedback of our participants, we also added a monthly support group alongside the workshops. Our first will be held on 31st January, accompanied by Madame Papillon member Johana and co-founder Rebecca.

We are also extremely pleased to be building on the test workshops we ran with Les Ateliers Craffiti at the end of 2023 and offer moments of creativity for women from February onwards. Sign up for our newsletter to be kept informed or keep an eye on social media.


You can also look out for our new website, which will launch in the coming weeks, at the same address but with a brand new design, more visibility for our members and a clearer overview of our activities. 

We are moving!

Thanks to another new partnership, the Madame Papillon headquarters are moving to a new place, surrounded by other women-focused organisations. We will keep the suspense a little longer until all is signed and sealed, but we have high hopes for what this means for the future of the association, firmly implanted in another supportive community.


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